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Undefined, infinite and overflow values
Undefined, infinite and overflow values

Transforms and metrics

Víctor Solo de Zaldívar avatar
Written by Víctor Solo de Zaldívar
Updated over a year ago

Some formula expressions ( such as x / 0 , sqrt(-1) , or log(0) ) calculate values that are undefined in a real number system, infinite, or outside the range supported by Neuron.

When an asset property's expression computes an undefined, infinite, or overflow value, Neuron doesn't output a data point for that computation.

Neuron also doesn't output a data point if it computes a non-numeric value as the result of a formula expression. This means that if you define a formula that computes a string, array, or the none constant, then Neuron doesn't output a data point for that computation.


Each of the following formula expressions results in a value that Neuron can't represent as a number. Neuron doesn't output a data point when it computes these formula expressions.

  • x / 0 is undefined.

  • log(0) is undefined.

  • sqrt(-1) is undefined in a real number system.

  • "hello" + " world" is a string.

  • jp('{"values":[3,6,7]}', '$.values') is an array.

  • if(gte(temp, 100), temp, none) is none when temp is less than 100.

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